Easter Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids - Fun & easy ways to decorate eggs with children! | Laguna Lane

Easter Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids

Easter is a litle over three weeks away.  And what better way to get in the spirit than by decorating Easter eggs?  I rounded up some fun and unique Easter egg decorating ideas for kids, so pick one (or two!) and get started!

Easter Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids - Fun & easy ways to decorate eggs with children! | Laguna Lane

Easter Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids

  1. Melted Crayon Easter Eggs – Once you’ve hard-boiled the eggs and let them cool for a couple of minutes, draw on them with crayons.  The heat from the eggs will melt the crayons on the surface
  2. Tattooed Easter Eggs – Apply temporary tattoos to the eggs that will get your child excited.  Superheroes, dinosaurs, princesses…you name it!  You can also get more sophisticated tattoos like in this post.  Plus see how mine turned out!
  3. Rice Shake Easter Eggs – Add dye to a small amount of rice in a plastic container, add the egg, and shake until the egg is colored.  This is a great no-mess way for small children to help!  Plus see how mine turned out!
  4. Sharpie Tie Dye Easter Eggs – Color eggs with Sharpies, and then use a dropper to drop rubbing alcohol on to the eggs to blend the colors.  Sharpies are involved, so this may be better for older kids.  But these look gorgeous!
  5. Acrylic Paint Baggie Easter Eggs – Put an egg in a baggie with a dollop of two acrylic paint colors.  Seal the bag, and let you little one move the egg around in the baggie to coat it.  Great for babies & toddlers!
  6. Marker Dot Easter Eggs – Apply an Easter sticker (or vinyl cutout if you have a Silhouette/Cricut machine) to an egg.  Then use a marker to dot around it (or scribble over it if you’re a kid).  Remove the sticker for a nice silhouette.

I posted about making the tattooed eggs and the rice shake eggs.  Take a look at my results!

More Easter Fun

Check out the Easter inspiration board I put together last year!  It has a low-mess way to dye Easter eggs with shaving cream in a muffin tin.  It also has some fun and easy kid-friendly recipes, decorating ideas, and activities.

What’s your favorite way to decorate eggs?

Easter Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids - Fun & unique family-friendly ways to decorate eggs with children! | Laguna Lane