Organize Your Car – How to Store Toys & Cargo

If you’re like most Americans, you spend a fair amount of time each day in your car.  Whether it’s commuting to work or driving your kids to school and other activities, I would guess most of my readers log at least an hour in their car each day.  Since we’re spending so much time driving, why not organize your car and make it a space that’s enjoyable?  Read on for how I organize my car with cargo organizers.

Organize Your Car – Toys and Books

We have an SUV with three rows, and our two kids ride in the captain chairs that make up our 2nd row.  Once the kids were old enough to play with toys in the car, the area between the captain chairs became a dumping ground for toys.  It stressed me out just looking at it!

Fortunately, a trunk organizer fit perfectly in that space!

I put toys in one side and books in the other side.  The kids can’t reach too far into it when we’re driving, but they can grab things before they buckle in.  And the best part is they can toss their toys back into the organizer while we’re still driving.  It keeps the clutter from spreading and helps keep the kids entertained during car rides.

If your kids sit in a bench seat, there are organizers for that too!  The car seat organizer below is great for kids and can be buckled into the seat next to your child.

Organize Your Car – Cargo & Trunk

I think all of us like to keep certain items in the car “just in case.”  Cargo organizers are a great way to accomplish that while minimizing the amount of space you take up.  Below is what the back of my SUV looks like every day (ok, well maybe it’s not always so well vacuumed!).

In each compartment, I keep…

  1. My reusable shopping bags.
  2. A blanket and a children’s portable potty.  That potty has been SUCH a lifesaver!!
  3. An old towel and some extra children’s clothes.

It keeps everything organized.  If I ever need extra cargo space, I can simply lift the whole thing out into the garage.  Stash an extra empty cargo organizer in the back to keep grocery bags or other purchases from sliding around.

Look at the cute and happy pattern on the cargo organizer below!

More Car Organization Products Coming Soon!

I’m excited to highlight some other great products in an upcoming post that will help you keep your car clean and organized!  So look for that soon!

What’s your best trick or favorite product for keeping your car organized?

P.S. Check out ways to organize toys inside your home and set up toy rotation bins to keep things fresh!

Meredith @ Laguna Lane:
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