Encouragement to Read the Bible – Making A Daily Habit

If you had told me a few years ago that I would read half the Bible while raising a 4 year old and a 2 year old, I would have laughed at the idea!  I likely would have asked, “How would I ever find the time?!”  But I’m here as proof that it can be done.   And I’m here to help you find encouragement to read the Bible and create a daily quiet time.

My Halfway Milestone

I started my daily quiet time on January 17, 2017.  I chose a chronological Bible reading plan that appealed to me and dove right in.  At the time, I wasn’t sure how well I’d be able to make the new habit stick.

But this year, on January 17, 2018, I was slightly over halfway through the reading plan.  What a milestone for me!  My reading plan is meant to be read in one year, but I never set the bar that high for myself.  I’m just grateful for every day that I carve out time and for each time I’m able to highlight a line in yellow once I finish it.  You can see my well-worn paper below.

Encouragement to Read the Bible

Please don’t read this post and feel guilty that you haven’t read the Bible or figured out how to have a daily quiet time!  That was me for so, so many years!  But I hope you read this and find some motivation to give it a try yourself.

Here are some of the ways I’ve benefited in the past year from my quiet time and Bible readings…

  • Feeling more knowledgeable about the Bible and biblical stories
  • Being able to answer more of my children’s questions about Bible stories and characters
  • Gaining encouragement from passages that came up in my readings during struggles in my life
  • Starting my day with a calmer and more peaceful attitude
  • Being an example to my children of what it looks like to make time for God
  • Having a consistent prayer time after I finish my reading

How to Get Started

Last year, I wrote a few posts about how I set up my daily quiet time for success.  I hope you’ll take a peek at those for more encouragement to read the Bible.

Choosing a time and spot for daily quiet time

Choosing a Bible format, a reading plan, and motivation/accountability

Starting a daily habit with just 3 minutes each morning

Start small!  In the beginning, aim to spend 3-5 minutes each morning reading scripture, a short daily devotional, or another inspiring book.  Work your way up from there!  I spend about 20-30 minutes in quiet time, so make that your goal after a 3 month period.  Or feel free to surpass me!

Give Yourself Grace

I think the most important thing to making a daily quiet time habit stick is giving yourself grace!  There are some mornings you’ll hit snooze too many times, days you’ll be sick and need the rest, nights you spent awake with a child, and days you just need to “sleep in” (e.g. sleep as long as your kids will let you).  And that’s ok!  Just start again the next day!

For me, the benefits I’ve received from my quiet time in the past year are usually motivation enough to wake up a little earlier in the morning.  Once you get going, you’ll probably feel the same way too.

Wish me luck with the last half of my reading plan in the coming year, and I’ll check back in in January 2019!

What helps you stay on track with daily quiet time?  Or, what’s your biggest challenge to having a daily quiet time?

Meredith @ Laguna Lane:
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