Mother’s Day Journal

Two years ago, I gave my husband a hint to start a Mother’s Day journal.  And by hint, I mean I sent him an email titled “Mother’s Day Hint” with this Baby Gizmo link.  Ha!  Ask around and I bet you’ll find men appreciate direct requests.  I need to do that more often…

Anyway, the link is an idea for creating a Mother’s Day journal, replacing greeting cards with a hand-crafted page in the journal each year.

While I love the messages in Mother’s Day cards, I also love art the kids create specifically for me (it doesn’t happen that often!).  And my sentimental side loves the idea of, 15 years from now, being able to look back over the sweet drawings and messages, seeing how my children have grown.

So thanks to my husband, I now have a Mother’s Day journal with two years of precious entries.  The page below is from my son when he was 2 1/2.

And look at this sweet page from my 8 month old daughter with her tiny handprint.  Love!

She didn’t  have a tiny hand anymore the next year, and she was much more into coloring it herself.

Start your own journal of memories!  If you have little ones, I encourage you to send your family a direct “hint” with this post!  And don’t forget to pull the journal out a week or two before Mother’s Day every year and place it on your husband’s dresser, bathroom counter, etc.  Hint, hint!

What are your favorite Mother’s Day traditions or gifts?

Here are some great journal options on Amazon…

Meredith @ Laguna Lane:
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